2016年度第2回定例研究会「Playing the PlayStation 4; Exploring Cultures through Video Games」(Tina Richards)



日時 2016年7月7日(木)18:00~19:30
場所 立命館大学(衣笠キャンパス)アート・リサーチセンター多目的ルーム
参加費 無料(事前申込み不要)
事前申込み 不要
タイトル Playstation 4をプレイする:ビデオゲームを通して「文化」を探索する
Playing the PlayStation 4; Exploring Cultures through Video Games
発表者 Tina Richards (Griffith University)
概要 My research focuses on the day one release titles of the Sony PlayStation 4 release both in Australia and Japan in order to distinguish differences and similarities in released gaming titles and what this particular selection of games suggest about the cultural significance of gamers, developers and publishers comparatively. The Sony PlayStation 4 is a home console that requires an interface (television, monitor etc.) in order to be used and dominates the Eighth generation console market and sales across the globe.
Game Studies as an academic field is a relatively new one and is still negotiating fundamental questions within the space, such as; ‘what is or isn’t a game?’, ‘are games vehicles for culture?’, ‘how should games be studied’ and ‘who can study games?’ With so much of the field undecided – even polarised, it makes navigating the field quite difficult. Accordingly my thesis will argue that games are vehicles for culture and offer suggestions for methodological approaches to studying games that ensures Game Studies is accessible to all scholars. The thesis completes a quantitative study of all day one release titles in Australia and Japan in order to understand trends in game content and consumption as well as a qualitative study on the best-selling titles in order to create a more comprehensive nuanced understanding of similarities and differences between regional releases and what these suggest about gamers, developers and publishers.


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