(English Follows)
Dr. William Huber(ファルマス大学 准教授)と Dr. Maggie Greene(モンタナ州立大学 准教授)は、スクウェア・エニックスのMMORPG「ファイナルファンタジーXIV」の研究と調査のための半日のDiGRA 2025ワークショップの提案書を作成中です。さまざまな分野とアプローチから情報を集め、このワークショップの成果は大手出版社の編集本に掲載される予定です。
暫定的な作品や進行中の作品の提出を歓迎します。現在、ディスカッションの時間を設けて約6回の20分間のプレゼンテーションを行う予定ですが、適切な応募が多数寄せられた場合は、代わりに1日のワークショップを提案する場合があります。ご興味がありましたら、プロジェクトを説明する簡単な提案書(約 200 語)を william.huber@falmouth.ac.uk までお送りください。
DiGRA 2025 https://digraconference2025.org/calls-call-for-papers
Drs William Huber (Falmouth University) and Maggie Greene (Montana State University) I are drafting a proposal for a half-day DiGRA 2025 workshop, for studies of and research into the Square-Enix MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. We will be drawing from a range of disciplines and approaches, and the outputs of this workshop will be considered for inclusion in an edited volume from a major publisher.
We’d be interested in contributions on the development and production history, interpretation and analysis of the game over the fourteen years since its original release (and ten years since its reboot and re-release), theory-crafting and data-driven analyses, studies of game modding (including AI-supported player-made mods), content creators and streamers, role-playing, gender and sexuality, translation/localisation, monetisation, and more. Among the disciplines we hope to represent in the volume are area studies, software studies, production studies, applied linguistics, cognitive anthropology, performance studies, aesthetics, musicology, human-computer interaction, cultural anthropology, and informatics.
As the game has been released globally, with language options in Japanese, English, French and German and additional releases in South Korea and China, and with a very active player-base and streamer community in Spanish and Portuguese, we welcome work which would be written in those languages, as we hope to support translation into English and subsequent translation of the entire book into other languages. However, we ask that the presentation for the workshop would be in English.
Tentative work and works-in-progress are welcome to submit. We currently plan to have about six 20-minute presentations with time for discussion, but if we receive a large number of suitable submissions, we may instead propose a full-day workshop. If interested, please send a brief proposal (around 200 words) describing your project to william.huber@falmouth.ac.uk.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
DiGRA 2025 https://digraconference2025.org/calls-call-for-papers