2023年度第11回定例研究会「Highly-reflective Screens: the game center as a theoretical object」

来る2024年2月16日(金曜日)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2023年度第11回定例研究会を実施致します。発表者は、Idone Cassone, Vincenzo氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

■発表タイトル Title

Highly-reflective Screens: the game center as a theoretical object

■発表者 Presenter

Idone Cassone, Vincenzo(Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies)

■日時 Date and Time

2月16日(金曜日) 16:20~18:20

■場所 Venue

立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 学而館研究会室 3 アクセス
Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campas, Gakujikan Reserch Room 3 Access



ミーティングID: 910 1554 3036 パスコード: 031509

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■概要 Summary

It is not uncommon for videogames to represent contexts of play in their digital worlds: it may be traditional children’s playgrounds or sport fields, or contexts of digital play, such as the home setting or game centers. Specifically, despite game centers being often portrayed in games, their portrayal has often been considered a simple playful tribute, self-reference or easter eggs. On the contrary, the presentation will try to investigate its representation as a theoretical object (Damisch 1972, Bois et al. 1998): an object that triggers self-reflection and self-awareness on the medium itself, asking both the authors (i.e. game designers) and audience (i.e. players) to produce or apply theory to understand it. That is, the representation of game centers acts simultaneously as a prism and a mirror, that we can use to understand and deconstruct the boundaries of digital play (in terms of space, time, technology and socio-cultural norms). The presentation will thus introduce the concept of theoretical objects and apply it to the study of game centers in digital games through the analysis of selected digital game series (Golden Axe, Tokimeki Memorial, Game Tengoku, Shenmue, Ryu ga Gotoku, Persona).

発表資料 Document
