2022年度第12回定例研究会 Toward Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment with Audio Cues by Gaussian Process Regression in a First-Person Shooter

来たる2022年12月19日(月)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2022年度第12回定例研究会を実施いたします。発表者は、LI Xiaoxu氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

■発表タイトル Title
Toward Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment with Audio Cues by Gaussian Process Regression in a First-Person Shooter

■発表者 Presenter
Li Xiaoxu(Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering)

■日時 Date and Time
2022年12月19日(月) 19:00-21:00

場所 Venue
Online ( ZOOM )
ミーティングID: 910 1554 3036
パスコード: 031509
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概要 Summary
This presentation will show our study on how in-game audio cues will influence our FPS game’s difficulty. Our study shows that in-game audio cues will indeed influence our FPS game’s difficulty. The relationship between in-game audio cues’ volume and our game’s difficulty shows like a quadratic function. At the same time, I will show how we control the game difficulty, which means creating a Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) mechanism for our game. We used Gaussian Process Regression(GPR) as the main algorithm to control DDA. At the same time, we set our own difficulty target(Goal) with respect to our players’ experience. In addition, I will show our game design, game concept, and game AI.

●ゲームアプリケーション Game application
Download links for game applications related to the presentation.

●スライド Slide

●動画 Video
*The first 1-2 minutes are not recorded due to trouble. We would appreciate your understanding.



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