来たる2022年7月22日(金)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2022年度第5回定例研究会を実施いたします。発表者は、Vincenzo, Idone Cassone氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

■発表タイトル Title

■発表者 Presenter
Vincenzo, Idone Cassone, JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, Ritsumeikan University

■日時 Date
2022年7月22日(金) 18:00-20:00

■場所 place
On Site
立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 学而館308
Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campus, Gakujikan 308

Online (ZOOM)
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■概要 Summary

In the last decade, researchers have been increasingly reflecting on the influence, permeation and mixing of Play in daily life, in society and on culture itself. Despite the different labels and terms (e.g. cultural gamification (Fuchs 2014), ludification (Frissens et al. 2015), Ludicisation (Genvo 2013), Gameful world (Deterding and Walz 2015), the idea that games and play can’t be anymore considered separated, inconsequential and unproductive (as initially posed by Caillois 1958) is now diffused among game studies scholars and, to a certain extent, mirrors the experience of Play of different people in contemporary societies.

Up to now, however, many scholars have been looking at this phenomenon with a clear focus on its Western manifestations and dynamics, with little reflection on the possible influences and dynamics deriving from the Japanese culture, despite its key role for the medium of digital games and in many contemporary playful trends (fighting game eSport circuits, cosplay, game shows, gacha mechanics, playful otaku behaviour, game-based media-mix).

My research project for JSPS focuses on a specific dimension of the Japanese ludicisation, at the crossroads between Game, Media and Cultural studies: the analysis of the traces of ludicisation in the system of media, by investigating how the boundaries and frames of Play are represented, staged and enforced in games and other entertainment forms.

Following Yuri Lotman’s theory of self-description and self-model (1978,1984), my assumption is that entertainment forms may translate and discoursivize the cultural mindsets and rhetorics at the origin of the recent understanding of Play in contemporary societies; just as previous periods of ludicisation displayed the diffusion of game-based descriptions and models, contemporary media forms give shape and translate the emerging cultural understanding of Play.

For this reason, my research will involve the critical analysis of a diversified group of digital games and game series, as well as transmedia franchises, which will be analysed and compared in light of the academic discourse on the boundaries and frames of Japanese play (e.g. Azuma 2001 and 2007, Daliot-bul 2014, Hutchinson 2011, Inoue 2012, Otsuka 1989, Steinberg 2015).