このような上村先生のご尽力の一つの成果として、2019年8月に本センターがホストとなり実施されたRitsumeikan Game Weekにおいては、ゲームに関連する3つの国際カンファレンスが連続で開催され、世界中から600名以上ものゲーム研究者が立命館大学の衣笠キャンパスに集いました。そして、上村先生が立命館大学に着任されて以降、ますます活性化したゲーム関係の教育や研究活動により、現在、先生の元から巣立っていった多くの卒業生が、ゲームやコンテンツ業界で活躍するとともに、高等教育機関でゲーム研究や教育に携わるようになっています。
As we recently announced, Professor Masayuki Uemura, the founder and first director of our center and most recently research advisor, passed away on December 6, 2021.
Professor. Uemura played an essential role in the formation and development of the digital game industry as a chief developer of Nintendo’s Family Computer and Super Famicom. In 1998, he began taking the initiative of collaborative endeavors between Nintendo and Ritsumeikan University for video game preservation. In 2004 he was appointed as a professor at the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences. In this role he made efforts to connect the game industry with the academic world. In addition, since the establishment of the Ritsumeikan Game Research Center, he visited and lectured at New York University, the Strong National Museum of Play and the British National Videogame Museum as the center’s director. Thus, he has made efforts to connect Japan with the rest of the world to expand the game research community which has emerged from Ritsumeikan. These efforts culminated in Ritsumeikan Game Week, a series of three international conferences held in 2019 that brought together more than 600 game researchers from around the world.
With invigorating research and education relating to video games and play during his tenure at Ritsumeikan, many graduates who studied under him are quite active in pursuit of game and content industries careers, while others have grown to become leading contributors of game research and education at higher educational institutions.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Professor Uemura for his contributions to Ritsumeikan University and this center, and at the same time, we would like to offer our heartfelt condolences.